Seminte de Fasole Super Guadulce

Super Guadulce Broad Bean is an old and very popular variety spread worldwide, with a growing season of 60-65 days. The plants reach 200 cm in height. It grows well on all soil types. The pods are delicious, bright green, fleshy, and 25-26 cm long with 7-9 grains.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any details regarding this product. We can offer many attractive suggestions and solutions for integrating our facilities on your farm.

Seminte de Fasole Super Guadulce

Super Guadulce Broad Bean is an old and very popular variety spread worldwide, with a growing season of 60-65 days. The plants reach 200 cm in height. It grows well on all soil types. The pods are delicious, bright green, fleshy, and 25-26 cm long with 7-9 grains.

Do not hesitate to contact us for any details regarding this product. We can offer many attractive suggestions and solutions for integrating our facilities on your farm.


Especially for legume lovers, Magazinul online Mallagro is pleased to introduce the seeds of Super Guadulce Broad Bean. An old and very popular variety spread worldwide, with a growing season of 60-65 days. The plants reach 200 cm in height. It grows well on all soil types. The pods are delicious, bright green, fleshy, and 25-26 cm long with 7-9 grains. The variety is suitable for canning and freezing. Young plants withstand no snow cover up to minus 15-17 ° C. Broad beans are a valuable spring vegetable. The varied chemical composition makes the beans, particularly valuable food. It is harvested until the pods are fragile, juicy, fiber-free, and barely seeded. Green seeds and young green beans are used for cooking.

Pachet: 50 gr
                       500 gr

Informatii suplimentare

Greutate Nu se aplică
Marimea pachetului

50 grams, 500 grams


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